Gladwin Township Board Meeting

December 18, 2024


Meeting called to order at 6:30 by Supervisor.  All board members were present.  Others present John Mella, Corey Cuddie, Jeremy Cuddie, Ron Taylor and Alan Donaldson.   Pledge to the flag.  Motion by Doug Ritchie seconded by Jodie Klamer to approve minutes from the November meeting. M/C Treasurer’s report was given and the general account is $275,273.56 and Members First Credit Union Savings Account $37,903.83, Members First Credit Union CD $6,239.10.  Motion by Kristie Simrau seconded by Doug Ritchie to accept and file the treasurer’s report as presented. M/C. The bills were presented to be paid in the amount of $26,911.32.  Motion by Jennifer Slabic seconded by Doug Ritchie to pay the bills in the amount of $26,911.32.  M/C.

Ron Taylor, Commissioner was present and gave report.  Alan Donaldson was also present and said he was ready to get started as our next county commissioner.

            Board set the 2025-2026 budget workshop for Wednesday January 8th @6:00.

            Kristie Simrau made a motion seconded by Doug Ritchie for Resolution #24-21 Poverty Exemption according to the 2025 Poverty Guidelines.  Roll call Klamer-yes, Simrau-yes, Weaver-yes, Slabic-yes, Ritchie-yes. Ayes carried M/C.

            The clerk mentioned about the ARPA funds.  The funds have to be all allocated by December 31st.  The clerk had checked with Michigan Municipal League and they stated that we could allocate our road money toward ARPA projects.  The final filing will be April 2025. 

            Jennifer gave the cemetery report.  The Wendell Ellis family will take 2 of the gravesites of Lot # 74 and Ken Ellis will take the other 2.  We have to designate the graves.  The board designate number 5 and 6 to Ken Ellis and 7 and 8 to Wendell Ellis family of lot #74.  Jennifer wants the board to review the next of kin for cemetery lots.  The board will also need to have a policy regarding cemetery administrator and Hall Kokotovich Funeral Home.  The clerk will prepare a letter and review at the budget workshop.

            Discussion regarding the drain assessment to be paid by the township.

            Motion to adjourn at 7:42 by Jodie Klamer seconded by Doug Ritchie. M/C.

Respectfully Submitted


Kristie Simrau, Clerk