Gladwin Township Board Meeting

November 15, 2023


Meeting called to order at 6:30 by Supervisor.  All board members were present. Pledge to the flag.  Other people present were Jennifer Slabic, Ron Taylor, Bernadette Weaver and Corey Cuddie.  Motion by Jodie Klamer seconded by Doug Ritchie to approve minutes from the October minutes. M/C Treasurer’s report was given and the general account is $303,955.18 and Members First Credit Union Savings Account $6,083.13 Members First Credit Union CD $36,049.59. Motion by Doug Ritchie seconded by John Mella to accept and file the treasurer’s report as presented. M/C. The clerk presented the bills to be paid in the amount of $10,505.01.  Motion by John Mella seconded by Doug Ritchie to pay the bills in the amount of $10,505.01. M/C.

County Commissioner- Ron Taylor was present and gave report. Ron stated that the State of Michigan pass the law to regulate the solar and wind licensing.  The public safety millage passed.

Clerk will order table and chairs for the township hall.  Lapham will be staking out the cemetery as soon as last mowing is done.

Property split request from Darcy Bellinger.  Bernadette Weaver approved the property split for Darcy Bellinger at 1626 Dassay Road Section 20.  This split would make a one-acre parcel next to 1626 Dassay Road with road frontage on Dassay Road.  The property does not have any buildings on it.  Kristie Simrau made a motion seconded by John Mella for Resolution 23-16 to  allow the split of one acre next to 1626 Dassay Road.  Klamer-yes, Simrau-yes, Weaver-yes, Mella-yes, Ritchie-yes.  Ayes carried M/C.

Discussion on the assessor position for the township.  Corey Cuddie was present at the meeting and we received her proposal to review.  Allison Thompson also had a proposal for the board for assessor.  The board will review the proposals and make a decision in December.

Cemetery report was given and the last mowing was done.

Fireboard given by John Mella.  Supervisor stated that the Road Commission said the first brine would be after Memorial Day and the second brine at the end of June. Suggestion was made to ask for the 2nd one to be after the 4th of July.

Supervisor said that Lannie Campbell will continue to do our snow plowing.

Motion to adjourn by Doug Ritchie seconded by John Mella at 7:15 M/C.

Respectfully Submitted,

Kristie Simrau, Township Clerk