Gladwin Township Board Meeting

December 20, 2023


Meeting called to order at 6:30 by Supervisor.  All board members were present except John Mella was absent. Pledge to the flag.  Other people present were Jennifer Slabic, Ron Taylor, Bernadette Weaver Corey Cuddie and Jeremy Cuddie.  Motion by Jodie Klamer seconded by Doug Ritchie to approve minutes from the November minutes. M/C Treasurer’s report was given and the general account is $314,325.96 and Members First Credit Union Savings Account $6,216.65 Members First Credit Union CD $36,049.59. Motion by Doug Ritchie seconded by Kristie Simrau to accept and file the treasurer’s report as presented. M/C. The clerk presented the bills to be paid in the amount of $36,783.27.  Motion by Doug Ritchie seconded by Kristie Simrau to pay the bills in the amount of $36,783.27. M/C.

County Commissioner- Ron Taylor was present and gave report.

Motion by Jodie Klamer seconded by Kristie Simrau to hire Corey Cuddie as our contracted assessor for the township starting April 1, 2024 for a five year contract when Bernadette Weaver retires.  M/C. 

Kristie Simrau made a motion for Resolution #23-17 for Hardship Exemption for 2024 values for hardship exemptions seconded by Doug Ritchie.  Klamer-yes, Simrau-yes, Weaver-yes, Ritchie-yes, Mella absent.  Ayes carried M/C.

Cemetery report given by Jennifer.  One full burial.  Discussion on the cemetery mapping and measuring.  The board will be budgeting to finish the lots.  Bob had received a couple estimates for gravel for the roads in the cemetery.  Greaves trucking and Arden Shell.  These are just estimates to give us an idea for budgeting the money.

Don Hale stated that he would take all the old chairs and tables the board did not want.  Motion to allow Don Hale to take all the old chairs and tables that the board does not want for no charge seconded by Doug Ritchie.  M/C.

Supervisor said the Road Commission is working on having our second brine done closer to July 4th.

Bernadette commented that the Board of Review met and they did not have any business to do but recommended to still meet in December and July.  The Board of Review members have all completed their training and the clerk has their certificates. 

The township board will have their budget workshop January 10th at 6:30 at the township hall to discuss the 2024-2025 budget

Motion to adjourn by Doug Ritchie seconded by Jodie Klamer at 7:11 M/C.

Respectfully Submitted,

Kristie Simrau, Township Clerk