Gladwin Township Board Meeting

September 20, 2023


Meeting called to order at 6:30 by Supervisor.  All board members were present except John Mella. Pledge to the flag.  Other people present were Jennifer Slabic, Ron Taylor, Keith Fisher, Bernadette Weaver and Orva Yoder.  Motion by Doug Ritchie seconded by Jodie Klamer to approve minutes from the August minutes. M/C Treasurer’s report was given and the general account is $312,376.36 and Members First Credit Union Savings Account $6,079.29 Members First Credit Union CD $35,785.36. Motion by Doug Ritchie seconded by Kristie Simrau  to accept and file the treasurer’s report as presented. M/C. The clerk presented the bills to be paid in the amount of $23,786.34.  Motion by Doug Ritchie seconded by Kristie Simrau to pay the bills in the amount of $23,786.34. M/C.

County Commissioner- Ron Taylor was present and gave report. He said the county was in a budget crunch.  The county attorney did find an ordinance that stated any solar farms have to have berms built up around them. 

The clerk mentioned about 4 white plastic tables and metal chairs that the Republican headquarters had for sale if we wanted them.  It was mentioned to have all matching since we had the money to buy new. The clerk had some prices and will get exact figures on quality matching tables and chairs and bring back to October meeting. 

The board discussed the map done by Lapham for the Ridge Cemetery.  The board agreed and asked the Supervisor to contact Lapham to get started.

Clerk questioned about having the window above the north door or closing it in with wood.  The board decided to replace the window above the door when the door and window work get completed yet this fall.

Property split for Tom and Karen Blondie was presented for approval.  The split would be from their 40 acre parcel on Hockaday Road.  The first parcel would be 38 acres and the amount split off would be 2 acres.  The township assessor approved the split.  Motion by Jodie Klamer seconded by seconded by Kristie Simrau for Resolution # 23-15 to allow the property split for Tom and Karen Blondie on Hockaday Road. 4 ayes 1 absent Ayes carried M/C.

Doug Ritchie seconded by Kristie Simrau to have the county clerk handle the 9 days of early voting for Gladwin Township.  M/C.

Bernadette Weaver will be retiring from assessing at the end of March 2024.  She has recommended Corey Cuddie as a possible next assessor for the township.  The board asked Bernadette to invite Corey to our November meeting to introduce herself.

The clerk is requesting Pam Weaver, Kearstin Simrau and Anne Patsey to be election inspectors for the November election.  Motion by Doug Ritchie seconded by Kristie Simrau for the election workers for November election. M/C


Jennifer Slabic gave the cemetery report.  They had one cremation.  The mowing had been done.

No fireboard report.

Orva Yoder was present to ask about solar panels in the township.  Keith Fisher asked about the drain assessment.

Motion to adjourn by Doug Ritchie seconded by Kristie Simrau at 7:30. M/C.

Respectfully Submitted,

Kristie Simrau, Township Clerk