Gladwin Township Board Meeting
March 15, 2023
Meeting called to order at 6:30
by Supervisor Weaver. All board members
present. Pledge to the flag. Other
people present were Jennifer Slabic. Motion by Jodie Klamer seconded by John Mella to approve minutes from the February meeting. M/C
Treasurer’s report was given and the general account is $259,434.56 and the money
market account is $5,613.30, Members First Credit Union Savings Account $500.00
Members First Credit Union CD $35,000.00. Motion by John Mella
seconded by Kristie Simrau to accept and file the treasurer’s report as
presented. The clerk presented the bills
to be paid in the amount of $62,946.83.
Motion by John Mella seconded by Doug Ritchie
to pay the bills in the amount of $62,946.83 M/C.
Ron Taylor, County Commissioner
was present and gave a report. He
discussed the broadband Ron Taylor discussed the county zoning to discuss Solar
Farms. Supervisor commented on the
county zoning repealing the Junk Ordinance and Sound Ordinance. He commented on an Amish man protesting his
taxes using rough cut lumber at the Board of Review and about building permits.
Rick Seebeck
was present to give a presentation on the upcoming school millage May 2, 2023.
The 2023-2024 Resolutions. Motion by John Mella
seconded by Kristie Simrau for Resolution 23 - 3-9 for the salaries for the
board members Supervisor $6500; junk enforcement $750; Deputy Supervisor $300;
Clerk $13,500; Deputy Clerk $400; Treasurer $12,700; Deputy Treasurer $400;
Trustee $100 per diem. Roll call Klamer- yes, Simrau
–yes, Weaver-yes, Mella-yes, Ritchie-yes Ayes carried
motion carried.
John Mella
seconded by Kristie Simrau made a motion for Resolution 23-10 to designate Huntington
Bank of Gladwin to be the depository for the township general account and tax
account for the fiscal year. Roll call
Klamer- yes, Simrau –yes, Weaver-yes, Mella-yes, Ritchie-yes Ayes carried motion carried. M/C.
Motion by John Mella seconded by Doug Ritchie for Resolution 23- 11 to
adopt the millage request to be levied for 2023 tax year of 1-mill assessment
on real property for the Gladwin Rural Urban Fire District. Roll call Klamer-
yes, Simrau –yes, Weaver-yes, Mella-yes,
Ritchie-yes Ayes carried motion carried.
Motion made by Jodie Klamer
seconded by Doug Ritchie for Resolution 23-12 to assess each dwelling $190
annually for garbage/refuse fee to be charged on the December 2023 tax billing.
Roll call Klamer- yes, Simrau –yes, Weaver-yes, Mella-yes, Ritchie-yes Ayes carried motion carried.
Motion made by Doug Ritchie
seconded by Jodie Klamer for Resolution 23-13 for General Appropriation Act
with the General Revenue of $310,300.00 and expenditures of $284,884.00 and a
contingency of $25,416.00. Bills to be
paid prior to board approval are Consumers Energy. Roll call Klamer- yes, Simrau –yes, Weaver-yes, Mella-yes,
Ritchie-yes Ayes carried motion carried.
Motion made by John Mella seconded by Doug Ritchie for Resolution 23-14 to set
the regular township board meeting on the third Wednesday of every month at
6:30 pm for the year of 2023-2024. Roll call Klamer- yes, Simrau
–yes, Weaver-yes, Mella-yes, Ritchie-yes Ayes carried
motion carried.
Clerk gave the budget amendments
for the 2022-2023 budget. Motion by Doug
Ritchie seconded by John Mella to approve the budget
amendments for 2023-2024 as follows:
Township Board Professional - $3,340; Contributions - $200; Clerk
Supplies - $795; Reimbursement for Township - $190; Professional Services -
$350; Contract Services - $740; Public Utilities - $724; Fire Protection
Contractor - $1432; Gravel contribution - $1,054; Insurance Membership Fee
-$25; Insurance - $156; Workman’s Comp Insurance - $565; Payroll Expenses -
$711. M/C
Clerk presented the 2023-2024
Budget. Motion by Jodie Klamer seconded
by Doug Ritchie to approve the 2023 -2024 Budget that was presented. Roll call vote Klamer-yes; Simrau- yes, Weaver-yes, Mella-yes,
Ritchie- yes. Ayes carried motion
carried. The 2023-2024 Budget has been
Nothing to report for
cemetery. John gave the fireboard
Supervisor commented on the
gravel and talking to Buckeye Township about gravel for Weber Road. Board of Review had 5 people.
Motion to adjourn by John Mella seconded by Doug Ritchie at 7:30. M/C.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kristie Simrau, Township Clerk