Gladwin Township Board
January 18, 2023
Meeting called to order at 6:30
by Supervisor Weaver. All board members
present. Pledge to the flag. Other
people present were Jennifer Slabic & Ron Taylor.
Motion by Doug Ritchie seconded by John Mella to approve minutes from the December meeting. M/C Treasurer’s report was
given and the general account is $259,009.67 and the money market account is $41,094.83.
Motion by Kristie Simrau seconded by Doug Ritchie to accept and file the
treasurer’s report as presented. The
clerk presented the bills to be paid in the amount of $9,219.15. Motion by John Mella
seconded by Doug Ritchie to pay the bills in the amount of $9,219.15. M/C.
County Commissioner, Ron Taylor, gave
report. Ron had a report of what the ARPA funds were spent on.
The clerk asked if the budget
workshop could be changed to Tuesday at 6:00.
The board agreed.
Property split was presented for Orva Glick. All the
proper paperwork was presented and approved by our assessor, Bernadette
Weaver. Motion by Kristie Simrau
seconded by Jodie Klamer for Resolution # 01-2023 to
allow a property split for Orva Glick in Section 17
on Dassay Road to split a 40 acre parcel creating two
parcels one with outbuildings is 19.955 acres and the second parcel is 19.966. Roll call vote Klamer-yes,
Simrau-yes, Weaver-yes, Mella-yes,
Ritchie-yes. Ayes carried M/C.
Cemetery report given by Jennifer
Jennifer gave the board some maps she had drawn out with ideas for the
mapping out of graves to review for our workshop meeting.
Fireboard report from John Mella he stated there were 256 runs in 2022 John also commented about going to the
road commission meeting and mentioning the dip in Hockaday Road to the North of
Wagarville. He
also talked about pot holes right after the apron on the entrances of dirt
roads around the township. John also
attended the Hazard Mitigation meeting.
They had commented on how all townships should have generators. Motion to adjourn at 7:13 pm by Doug Ritchie
seconded by John Mella. M/C
Respectfully Submitted,
Simrau, Township Clerk