Gladwin Township Board Meeting
Meeting called to order at 6:30 by Supervisor Weaver. All board members present. Pledge to the flag. Motion by John Mella seconded by Doug Ritchie to approve the minutes as presented. M/C. Treasurer's report presented with $266,478.27 in the general account and $41,105-30 mutual account. Motion by Kristie Simrau seconded by John Mella to receive and file the treasurer's report. M/C. Bills presented in the amount of $9,633-92. The bills included an invoice to Klein Construction for the front door and Consumers Energy. Motion by John Mella made a motion to pay the bills seconded by Doug Ritchie. M/C.
Ron Taylor, County Commissioner was present to give commissioner report. He commented on the Council of Local Government Meeting on 2-27-2023 @ 6:30. He also stated that the county may be having a police millage request in August.
Property split request for Lois Lechner. This split has been approved by assessor and zoning. The 40 acre parcel on the corner of Hockaday and Lechner Road. The first parcel will be 20 acres and buildings and the other 20 acres is vacant land. Kristie Simrau made a motion seconded by Jodie Klamer for Resolution # 23-02 for approval of property split for Lois Lechner the map is held in the clerk's records. Roll call vote Klamer-yes, Simrau-yes, Weaver-yes, Mella-yes, Ritchie„ yes. Ayes carried M/C.
Treasurer suggested purchasing a CD for $35,000 of the money in the money market account held at Huntington through Members First Credit Union she has to open a savings account through Members First Credit Union to purchase the CD and she would deposit $500 in that savings account when she opens it. Motion by John Mella seconded by Jodie Klamer to purchase a CD through Members First Credit Union for $35,000.00. M/C.
TJ Thompson was present and observing community input surveying the community.
The clerk will be mailing out the cemetery surveying proposals.
Motion to adjourn at 7:09 by Doug Ritchie seconded by John Mella.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kristie J. Simrau
Township Clerk