Gladwin Township Board Meeting

May 18, 2022


            Meeting called to order at 6:30 by Supervisor Weaver.  Pledge to the flag.  All board members present.  Other people that were present were Jennifer Slabic, Gale Inscho and Kyle Grove.  Motion by Jodie Klamer to accept the April minutes seconded by John Mella.  M/C Treasurer’s report general account $257,559.76 and money market account $41,032.52. Motion by Kristie Simrau seconded by Doug Ritchie to receive and file the treasurer’s report.  M/C Motion by John Mella seconded by Doug Ritchie to pay the bills in the amount of $11,152.97 M/C.


            Kyle Grove, county commissioner, was present and gave report.  He stated that they will be fixing the roof on the courthouse and fixing window wells and sealing the parking lot at the courthouse and health department. 


            The clerk mentioned that the front door seal is in need of repair and the board discussed the need for repair on the windows.  The clerk will contact Garold Klein to give us an estimate.  The treasurer received a contract from Thomas Smith, CPA.  Motion by John Mella seconded by Doug Ritchie to sign a contract with Thomas Smith, CPA from Smith & Klaczkiewicz, PC.   M/C. 


            The clerk received the road contract for gravel. The supervisor will meet with the road commission because this contract is not correct.


            Jennifer Slabic gave the cemetery report.  She had a cremation.  The spring cleanup was done at the cemetery and the first mowing for Mother’s Day.  John stated that the flags would be on the graves soon.  Supervisor commented on the Greer headstone alignment.


            Supervisor commented on the dump property owned by the township and wondered if the board had any decision on this.  The clerk stated that she was going to contact MTA regarding this property.  Gale Inscho was wondering if the board would be interested in a long-term lease.


            John Mella stated that the Memorial Day Parade in town it starts at 10:35 and ceremony at 11:00 Jason Wentworth is the speaker.


            Motion by John Mella seconded by Doug Ritchie at 7:27.


Respectfully Submitted,





Kristie Simrau

Township Clerk