Gladwin Township Board Meeting


April 20, 2022


Meeting called to order at 6:30 by Supervisor Weaver.  All board members present. Pledge to the flag.  Other people present were Jennifer Slabic, Kyle Grove, Lisa Fisher and Keith Fisher.  Motion by John Mella seconded by Doug Ritchie to approve minutes from the March meeting. M/C  Treasurer’s report was given and the general account is $267,278.67 and the money market account is $41,038.18. Motion by Kristie Simrau seconded by John Mella to accept and file the treasurer’s report as presented.  The clerk reported on the letter received from GFL Garbage company and the surcharges we will be seeing. The clerk presented the bills to be paid in the amount of $12,546.09.  Motion by Jodie Klamer seconded by Kristie Simrau to pay the bills in the amount of $12,546.09.  M/C.

Kyle Grove, County Commissioner was present and reported on the County putting a millage on the August ballot for 911 Central Dispatch.

Property split request from Carol Glenn.  Carol Glenn is requesting a property split for the property at 1563 Wagarville Road into 2 parcels.  Carol is requesting that 2.55 acres including the house and outer buildings be separated from the remaining 74.45 acres.  All the required documentation has been submitted and approved.  Motion by Kristie Simrau seconded by John Mella for Resolution #22-16 to allow Carol Glenn to divide the property at 1563 Wagarville Road into two parcels the first parcel will be 2.55 acres including the buildings and the second parcel will be the remaining 75.45 acres.  Roll call vote Klamer-yes, Simrau-yes, Weaver-yes, Mella-yes, Ritchie-yes. Ayes carried motion carried.

Jennifer Slabic reported on the cemetery.  Three burials and the clean up will be May 1st at the cemetery. John Mella reported that he spoke with Veteran’s Affairs regarding the markers at the graves for military and they understand how they can be damaged.  John has received a flag pole and he would like to put it up here at the hall.  John also attended the emergency management meeting and handed out a survey to complete for the county emergency  management.  John discussed a road millage for our township. John Mella gave the fireboard report.

Supervisor talked to the road commission regarding gravel work on Ridge Road to finish the road.  Supervisor met with the attorney regarding the sale of the township property where the dump is located.  The attorney said we could sell it but it does not release our liability for the contamination of the dump.  Supervisor also attended Consumers Energy meeting regarding solar panels. 

Motion to adjourn by Doug Ritchie seconded by John Mella. M/C.

Respectfully Submitted,


Kristie Simrau, Township Clerk