Gladwin Township Board Meeting


February 16, 2022


Meeting called to order at 6:30 by Supervisor Weaver.  All board members present. Pledge to the flag.  Other people present were Jennifer Slabic, Kyle Grove, Jessica Grove and Mike Hoadley.  Motion by Jodie Klamer seconded by John Mella to approve minutes from the January meeting. M/C  Treasurer’s report was given and the general account is $175,620.45 and the money market account is $41,046.51. Motion by Kristie Simrau seconded by Doug Ritchie to accept and file the treasurer’s report as presented.  The clerk presented the bills to be paid.  Motion by John Mella seconded by Doug Ritchie to pay the bills in the amount of $6,784.84  M/C/.

Mike Hoadley, candidate for the State Representative for the 99th District, was present and spoke of his position on running for office.

Kyle Grove, County Commissioner, was present and gave report.

The board reviewed the 2022-2023 budget from the figures in the budget workshop.  The treasurer requested a raise in her salary.  Discussion was had on comparison townships and questions to the treasurer and the clerk.  Motion by Doug Ritchie seconded by John Mella for Resolution 22-01 for an increase in the treasurer’s salary in the amount of $1200 making the new salary for the treasurer $12,700 a year.  Roll call Klamer-yes, Simrau-yes, Weaver-yes, Mella-yes, Ritchie-yes. Ayes carried M/C.

Bernadette Weaver, assessor stated that she will start having the Equalization Department mail out the assessment rolls so there will be an increase in our bill to the Equalization Department.

Discussion on the Fee Schedule and the rates for the cemetery. Motion by Doug Ritchie seconded by John Mellas to increase the burial prices $100 for both of our township for all burials except infants and cremations.  M/C.  Jennifer Slabic gave the cemetery report.  No burials.  She will be on vacation from 3-5-22 to 3-13-2022 and the clerk will fill in while she is on vacation.

John Mella gave the fireboard report.  Supervisors statements, he received a phone call from the Sheriff’s Dept regarding a man that got off the drive in Ridge Cemetery and may have caused damage.  If we notice any damage he stated the man will pay the damage.  Bob Weaver stated that Pam filed for ARPA funds through the county.  Bob talked to Dave Petterch and Dave Greaves from the road commission and they stated if we could get county ARPA funds we could possibly use them for paving Weber Road. The board will have to see what happens.  Supervisor also stated that we should have that the township has Medical Marijuana Permits available listed on our website. 

 Motion by John Mella seconded by Jodie Klamer to adjourn at 7:40

Respectfully Submitted,

Kristie Simrau, Township Clerk