Gladwin Township Board Meeting
November 17, 2021
Meeting called to order at 6:30
by Supervisor Weaver. All board members
present. Pledge to the flag. Other
people present were Jennifer Slabic, Kyle Grove and
Bernie Weaver. Motion
by John Mella seconded by Doug Ritchie to approve
minutes from the October meeting. M/C Treasurer’s report was given and the general
account is $196,936.07 and the money market account is $41,050.48. Motion by Kristie Simrau seconded by John Mella
to accept and file the treasurer’s report as presented. Clerk mentioned
that the township received ½ of the COVID relief money and MTA advises to just
sit on that until they get the rules on spending straightened out. M/C. Bills presented for payment totaling $32,100.97.
Motion by Jodie Klamer seconded by Kristie Simrau to pay the bills in the
amount of $32,100.97. M/C.
Kyle Grove, County Commissioner
was present and gave report. He reported
that the concrete work in the front of the courthouse was completed, Gypsy Moth
millage passed.
Supervisor commented that he
has been trying to reach the tree removal company we voted on and he has not
heard from them. The board will have to
wait until spring and try again with tree removal companies.
Bernie Weaver presented a property
split for Walter and Deidre Iciek. Motion by Kristie Simrau seconded by Jodie Klamer for Resolution #14-2021 to allow Walter and Deidre Iciek to split up 128 acres parcel # 080-006-200-002-00
located on N. M-18. The split would divide this parcel into 4
parcels, the first being 52.553 acres, the second being 22.02 acres, the third
being 2 acres and the fourth being 52.005 acres. Roll call vote, Ritchie-aye, Mella-
aye, Weaver-aye, Simrau-aye and Klamer-
aye. Ayes carried M/C.
report given by Jennifer Slabic. There were two cremations. A lady called Jennifer regarding parents cemetery plats and who could be buried there. The board will let the family try to work
that out.
John Mella
gave the fireboard report.
Supervisor commented that we
would have to see what we can spend our COVID monies on when the time
comes. Supervisor asked about Lanny
Campbell snowplowing and the board agreed to offer him the job again this year.
John Mella
commented that the flags will be removed from the cemetery. Kristie Simrau asked the board if she could
use the hall for her 4-H meetings on the 3rd Thursday of the
month. The board agreed to allow the
Motion by John Mella seconded by Doug Ritchie to adjourn at 7:16 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kristie Simrau, Township Clerk